Retreat begins Friday 5:30-8:30pm, and continues 8am-5pm, Saturday. Snacks and lunch provided! U-pick raspberry time provided too!
Invest in yourself and your partner today! It is one of the most important investments you will ever make!!
Registration closes September 21.
What to expect: Time spent learning scientifically researched content aimed at deepening
your friendship, honoring your own and your partner’s dreams, managing your conflict and
creating shared meaning. The basic format: numerous class/learning times and then multiple
practice sessions alone with your partner. There is no pressure to share anything with the class.
Sign up: Send Julie an email, message, phone call/text saying you would like to sign up. Send
$100 deposit to hold your place via check in the mail or Venmo.
Email for address and more information.
Cost: $465/couple DISCOUNT of $50 if you get another couple to sign up.

**This weekend is ideal for couples who desire to strengthen their relationship and experience deeper joy together. This is a very positive experience, Gottman gives shared language and great ideas for living in partnership and doing it well. Although, couples work feels vulnerable, it is also very revitalizing and fun!
Julie Engh Peters is owner/operator of Deep Roots Life Coaching and co-owner/operator of Red Hen Farm and Orchard. She is a certified relationship, mindfulness and wellbeing coach and is a Gottman Leader.
Email your sign up to I will email you my Venmo and address.
Good job investing in the most important people: yourself and your life-partner.
Registration closes soon!