Rear view of young couple walking outdoors in snow in winter forest

Relationship Retreats

A couple of weeks ago I led a Gottman Couple’s Relationship Retreat at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp. The couples that I worked with were absolutely wonderful. They were brave, loving and generous. We had such a rich experience because they were willing to invest in themselves, each other and the group. They were willing to work on all angles of their relationship, starting with themselves and building toward their partner.  It was a privilege to teach and to be part of the group. 

I will be teaching a class again soon because the content and the experience are so excellent. LOOK FOR YOUR NEXT OPPORTUNITY TO INVEST IN YOURSELF AND YOUR LOVED ONES! It is worth every minute and every penny. #Relationships #TheSevenPrinciplesForMakingMarriageWork #JohnGottman #DeepRootsLifeCoaching

Picture of Julie Engh Peters

Julie Engh Peters

Julie is a relationship and well-being coach. She owns Deep Roots Life Coaching in Missoula, MT. She is also a fruit farmer, a wife and a mom. She loves working with people and helping them to achieve their goals, hopes and dreams. She also loves spending time with her family and eating yummy fruit.


You can live a full, deep and abundant life. I would be honored to help you get there! ​